Behind the dark doors at Alnwick Nursery is a recreation area with plants that can kill you.

The proprietor and Duchess of Northumberland, Jane Percy, needed the appreciation for stick out and figured more individuals would be keen on deadly plants.

She was accurate. Every year, the Toxin Nursery gets 800,000 guests. The garden is home to more than 100 different kinds of deadly plants.

Even though visitors are not permitted to touch the plants, the noxious plant vapors occasionally cause them to pass out.

On the island of Oʻahu, the Flight of stairs to Paradise, otherwise called the Haʻikū Steps, is a troublesome climbing trail with a sum of 3,922 stages. The site was initially a maritime base during the 1940s however was decommissioned during the 1950s.

In 1987, the trail and the station were closed to the public by the city.