No matter how many attacks, Beauty Queen It’s like a blue house

A couple of days prior, I invested some energy visiting perhaps of the best lab around, the Pith Maître Glacial mass creation office in Ahuntsic. Substance Maître Glacial mass was established in 2014 by Alexis Dionne who cooperated up with Meilleur ouvrier de France [M.O.F.] ace frozen yogurt creator Jean-Marc Guillot to make probably the most extraordinary frozen yogurt in Montreal.

Since March 2015, the Ahuntsic facility has been operating as a small business. The high quality lab delivers a range of seventeen heavenly kinds of frozen treats that contain no counterfeit flavor or variety. The natural products are painstakingly picked and each clump of frozen yogurt tried and tasted to change the sugar and acridity levels. The seven frozen yogurts and ten sorbets incorporate flavors, for example, banana flambé, blackcurrant and violet and energy natural product and rosemary. I must have tried a dozen of the flavors by this point, and the most addictive ones are the Quebec maple flavor, espresso, dark chocolate, and the divine raspberry, lychee, and rose flavors.

The lab is partitioned into a creation region which incorporates a hand-packaging zone where each straightforward container is painstakingly filled-and an innovative work room where expert frozen yogurt producer Jean-Marc Guillot deals with creating and working on his recipes. Additionally, he creates bespoke recipes for specific customers. They let me in on some of their secret lab work, and the only thing I can tell you is that beautiful frozen desserts will be coming soon.

You can find the 17 Pith Maître Glacial mass frozen yogurt enhances wherever around the area. Shockingly better, the frozen yogurt lab is available to people in general! Culinary specialist Guillot and Mr. Dionne will thoroughly enjoy giving you a trial and filling you in regarding the activity. The lab is where you can buy any of the 17 accessible flavors as well as a portion of the flavors that are at this point not accessible available, or some grew explicitly for a client. Your cooler may be pressed after a visit to the lab yet relax, the holders won’t keep going long.

My favorite Essence Maître Glacier flavor is the Quebec maple. All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me why you want ice cream. You can also use the hashtag #ScreamForEssenceContest to leave me a comment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for an additional chance to win. This contest is only open to residents of the province of Quebec. Challenge closes August 21, 2015 at 12 PM, EST. The victor’s name will be declared on my virtual entertainment accounts.