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My experience showing English in Albania
by thetravelfairies
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Albania was my absolute first time on a plane and the main country I went to that wasn’t a family occasion. I was 15 at that point and I went with a gathering from my congregation to show English at a youngsters’ day camp.

We originally flew into Corfu, ate and afterward went through the night there prior to getting the ship over to Albania in the first part of the day. We were gotten by a minibus which drove us to Gjirokastër, where we were sufficiently lucky to remain at the day camp coordinator’s home and visitor house. The principal day there, we did a touch of touring and shopping, then, at that point, went to the camp for 5 days. We got back to Britain through Corfu once more.

Albania was an astonishing and remarkable outing. Since I was remaining at a camp like this, I met and became companions with a ton of local people. These were either individuals working there or the children that had come to the actual camp. I believed I was encountering a greater amount of the genuine culture of the nation and was living like a neighborhood as opposed to a traveler. Be that as it may, even as a traveler there is such a great amount to encounter here regarding history, culture and nature. Albania is certainly worth a visit for anybody.


Our most memorable night in Gjirokastër we had a smorgasbord type dinner of ordinary Albanian dishes. We ate this sat external the café as the sun was setting. We then went up to see the palace, roosted at the highest point of the city to see the unbelievable perspectives on the city lights. Indeed, even from far up there we heard the boisterous music of a wedding. At the point when we asked, we were told these were excellent issues in Albania, celebrated with parties some of the time enduring a few days. Gjirokastër was a wonderful city, brimming with loads of minimal side roads and shops to investigate. Tragically, we just went through a day here however we might have handily spent a few more.

The camp was situated close to Sarandë, a waterfront town in the south of the country. It was settled in a valley with unadulterated spring water hushed up from the mountain. Furthermore, just a 10-minute stroll to the ocean side, through the open country and a goat ranch (the goats were in many cases seen remaining in the trees).


It’s not difficult to track down a pleasant calm spot for sunbathing and swimming in Albania with its miles of practically immaculate stone sea shores. We visited our nearest ocean side two times every day as a feature of the camp daily practice. The ocean was exquisite and warm, albeit the rocks could make it challenging to get in. The ocean side had a lot of bars, cafés and loungers so it would be an ideal spot to go through the day. At the camp, the remainder of the time was spent among games and exercises, camp support and English illustrations. There was a lot of spare energy to relax and invest time with new companions as well.

I showed two or three examples all alone. Which put me out of my usual range of familiarity however most certainly constructed my certainty. This was a gigantic accomplishment for me. Examples were shown mostly through playing word games. I had the option to lead those and it wasn’t generally so awful as I naturally suspected it would be. Showing a language is truly fun and would be an incredible encounter for anybody. Showing the children there was exceptionally fulfilling. My number one memory was the day we left when, as a thank you and farewell, they showed us a conventional Albanian dance.


I have extremely affectionate recollections of Albania and the camp I was chipping in at. I would prescribe the country to anybody searching for an off in an unexpected direction objective.

For more data about expenses of this excursion look at How to Travel Albania on a Careful spending plan here.