Melody, who shows the main story of being still without any artistic movement, along with a video

I used to have a condo loaded up with great rare and mid-century current families and furniture. I possessed a truck and two one of a kind Vespa Italian engine bikes. I had polished garments, lots of shoes, rich handbags and adornments. In 2012 preceding I left for México, I sold a great deal of my own things, the majority of my furnishings and both my Vespas.

Subsequent to getting back from México to Sacramento, in anticipation of leaving with WorldTeach, I sold almost all the other things, keeping just my unique and different workmanship assortment. I had yard deals and online closeouts, and got a Settle outstanding balance so I could acknowledge Mastercards at occasions like Sacramento’s Subsequent Saturday. A portion of my cash likewise came from gathering pledges.

I set up a mission on, offering motivating forces like special craftsmanship and handcrafted writing material to contributors. I posted data on my own site and made a bulletin imprinted on shiny paper, which I sent to more than 100 business, relatives and companions. While many individuals thought I was insane for moving to Colombia, or suggested that it was discourteous to request cash for this work (of electing to show oppressed kids), I actually got a generous flood of gifts going from $5.00 to $500.00!

I’m always appreciative and contacted even today by individuals’ liberality; companions from some time in the past as well as individuals I had recently met all upheld by endeavors, assisting me with meeting my objective of $5,500.
Kate in gorgeous Isla San Andrés, Colombia, October 2014!Kate in lovely Isla San Andrés, Colombia, October 2014!

K: The beyond three years have included both incredible and problematic excursions. While visiting Isla San Andrés, a man welcomed me to his home and served his mom’s “scrumptious island soup,” which I actually believe was mondongo (garbage). Being vegan yet additionally respectful, I ate around the cow stomach and said thanks to them thoughtfully for the food.