In this time of high oil prices, the singer Mano showed the audience that everything is going to be okay

I finished theological school in 1993, and have been a Unified Church of Christ minister since my graduation in 1993. I have served holy places in Miami, Florida; Hudson, New Hampshire; Kingston, Rhode Island; Lakewood (Metro Denver), Colorado; also, my ongoing area Hagerstown, Maryland.

I’ve gone to 43 states in the US, Vote based Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Canada, Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, the Bahamas, 9 nations in Europe, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Thailand, and Vietnam.

TT: Amazing! Educate us really regarding your movements.
Dawn over Drake Sound, Costa Rica. Beautiful! Dawn over Drake Narrows, Costa Rica. Beautiful!

T: The gathering I presently minister has a mission organization with a congregation in Honduras. The congregation we have an organization with is in El Progresso, which is in the North of the country not excessively far from San Pedro Sula, the second biggest city in Honduras. With our accomplice church we construct homes for families residing in unacceptable lodging.

An unacceptable home in El Progresso regularly implies a “structure” made from disposed of materials connected to shafts/tree limbs struck in the ground. There could possibly be a genuine entryway and there may or might be windows. There will never be indoor pipes or power.

The homes we build with our accomplice church and the family that will occupy the house are substantial block with a concrete floor, a metal rooftop, three rooms, two entryways and windows in each room. As of late, we have started to build latrines with pour flush latrines.