Pai Phyo Thu posted some memorable pictures of Ro with her husband

Endlessly voyaging are two spellings of a similar word, with the main distinction being the presence or nonattendance of a letter “l” in the word which makes numerous essayists confounding. The fundamental distinction between Endlessly voyaging is that Voyaging is the favored spelling in English, while Voyaging is the favored spelling in American English.

An excursion along a street or district continually and typically is called voyaging. The word voyaging comprises of twofold “L” in its spelling, with no adjustment of their significance. Voyaging is an action word which means to go is to move between various places, as out traveling or excursion. It is a current participle of movement.

Voyaging is ordinarily utilized in Europe.
Voyaging is liked for utilization in English.
English language following nations, use going for depicting an excursion.
To speak with the crowd of Europe, voyaging is utilized.
The nations, which follow “voyaging” are Europe, Singapore, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, and Britain, and so forth.


“I’m venturing out to Paris one week from now to go to a meeting.” ( English)
“I love going all over the planet and encountering new societies.” ( English)
“Are you going via vehicle or via train?” ( English)


Making an excursion or going out for an excursion is called voyaging. Voyaging comprises of single “L” in its spelling. It is likewise action word and as utilized as present participle of movement.

Voyaging is usually utilized in the US,
Voyaging is a special word for training and use in American English.
American language following nations, use going for depicting an excursion.
Heading out is utilized to speak with the crowd of the US.
The nations, which follow “voyaging” are South America, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Northern China, Caribbean, Saudi Arabia, Jodan, Iraq, and Kuwait, and so forth.