The music video of Sang Tung Da Oo, which was watched by more than 200,000 people within a few hours, is loved by the fans

As you can imagine, there are numerous arguments against Puerto Rico becoming a state. These include:

Puerto Ricans would need to make good on additional expenses, including the U.S. personal duty.
Such a move could cost Puerto Rican’s a level of global freedom, eliminating their capacity to partake in certain rivalries, similar to the Olympic Games.
Turning into an autonomous country could excessively influence the unfortunate occupants of the residents of Puerto Rico, a considerable lot of whom depend widely on the guide programs that the US offers.

On the island, Puerto Rican statehood is ordinarily gone against by the Famous Progressive alliance and the Puerto Rican Freedom Party. Republicans are typically regarded as the primary opponents of Puerto Rico’s statehood or full independence in the United States.

A Demonstration of Congress – endorsed by the Leader of the US – is expected to make Puerto Rico a state. That appears to be far-fetched. At the last part of the 2021-2022 Congress, the US Place of Delegates passed a regulation that made Puerto Rico a state. The bill passed 233-191, with by far most of the yes votes coming from the Leftist alliance. The Senate didn’t follow up on the regulation.

Conservatives control the new House. Given their previous resistance to Puerto Rican statehood, it appears to be very impossible that Puerto Rico will turn into a state – basically for the following two years.