One more dynamite drive up from the coast, to the spring of gushing lava this time, enveloped peaceful farmland and all encompassing perspectives toward the high pinnacles and down to the ocean.

We stopped at Auberge du Volcan, where gratin palmiste (palm hearts) and carne cabris massale, two average Gathering dishes, got everyone’s attention. Who realize that goat could be so delicate and delicious?

The drive moves above timberlands to the extraordinary span of volcanic coarseness, Plaine des Sables, on the way to the view over the magma scene made by past emissions of Piton de la Fournaise.

It’s consoling to realize that the fountain of liquid magma doesn’t regurgitate debris, isn’t on a separation point and when it ejects, the arms of the great precipices on either side guarantee the magma streams toward the sea.

After a supporting climb all over the bluff essence of the spring of gushing lava’s caldera and onto the magma moonscape, I’d suggest Ti Resto Lontan, confronting the Well of lava Gallery, where they cook on wooden flames.