We ducked inside to the cozy glass-enclosed observation area, noses numb, for proper Antarctica “viewing” food at 6 a.m.; newly prepared tacky buns, hot cocoa, Mimosas, and Tomato juice and vodka. Resuscitated and recharged we made a beeline for Deck 12 for more ‘wows.’ This movement proceeded constant for two entire days.

As we raised champagne glasses to toast the excitement of being among the favored ones to embrace this delightful, however hazardous spot, Worsley lay in his tent, enduring, unfit to push on.

Having voyaged 913 miles more than 71 days, he could presently not put one ski before another. Only 30 miles and four days from accomplishing his objective, he radioed his GPS area to headquarters and a helicopter carried him out.

Worsley succumbed to bacterial peritonitis the following day, January 24, 2016, as the Crystal Symphony made its way back into Drake’s Passage. The boat’s 600 invigorated travelers stayed uninformed that The Land That Needs You Dead had ended a daily existence while improving theirs.

Creator Bio: After a deep rooted calling of treating the deranged at a Dad mental clinic for quite some time and furthermore filling in as its Head of Confirmations, Song resigned to Lake Chapala, Mexico in 2006 with her better half, to seek after additional positive interests. Her family believed that she, as well, had ‘gone distraught.’