Settled inside the grand Tian Shan Piles of southeastern Kazakhstan, Issyk Lake reveals its striking high wonder. This enrapturing waterway is prestigious for its translucent turquoise tones, orchestrating amicably with the scenery of snow-covered tops.

Past its normal appeal, Issyk Lake holds archeological importance, with antiquated relics tracing all the way back to the Bronze Age having been found nearby.

Our process will likewise lead us to the Bear Cascade, an untainted outpouring settled in the Kazakhstani mountains, not a long way from Almaty.

This waterfall, which is situated in a picturesque mountain valley, is a popular spot for picnics and excursions that attracts both locals and tourists.

Arranged at a height of 2700 meters above ocean level, Assy Level offers a stunning breadth of verdant valleys as may be obvious.

On account of its raised position and great climatic circumstances, the level fills in as an optimal objective for stargazing aficionados. Moreover, an observatory anticipates, considering captivating cosmic perceptions.

All through the visit, you will have the marvelous opportunity to submerge yourself in the normal magnificence encompassing Issyk Lake. Besides, a visit to the gallery devoted to the Sack civilization will give important bits of knowledge into the rich history of these terrains.