Daw Umar Myint, who said that even if actor Nae Min gave her hand like a doll, she wouldn’t bite

Bihar has seen an expansion in crimes across the state with four criminal episodes being accounted for over the most recent couple of days.

On Sunday, in Patna edge, at 10 p.m portable snatchers terminated on an Administration Rail line Police (GRP) group leaving one work force harmed. He was distinguished as Dilip Kumar.

GRP SHO Mukesh Kumar Singh said that the blamed are individuals for Jatahu group. The group is dynamic in the Bairam Chowk region.

“Our GRP group was watching on the Patna Gaya rail area. They were on stage number 2. Subsequent to seeing the police group, the snatchers discharged shots in the GRP group and one of the slugs hit Constable Dilip Kumar on his left hand. Three to four snatchers terminated in the police group,” Singh said.
A previous town head was taken shots at and harmed in Kurji region. The episode occurred at Ashok Rajpath close to Kurji Mor. ( Unsplash)
A previous town head was taken shots at and harmed in Kurji region. The episode occurred at Ashok Rajpath close to Kurji Mor. ( Unsplash)

On Monday, a previous town head was taken shots at and harmed in Kurji region. The episode occurred at Ashok Rajpath close to Kurji Mor. Police said that four aggressors came on bicycle and started shooting upon the previous town head.

He is right now conceded in a medical clinic for therapy. The casualty is recognized as Nilesh Kumar Singh. His better half Suchitra Singh is available Ward Councilor.

Likewise on Monday, unidentified shooters took shots at a constable of Chapra jail. The casualty has been recognized as Anuj Kumar. He was on way home in the wake of finishing his obligation. The episode occurred at Bhavnagar Bazar in the city. The casualty has been conceded in Chapra Sadar medical clinic. His condition is supposed to be basic.

In Siwan locale, a dead body of a 60 year-old individual was found in a streetcar sack. The departed was recognized as Bunny Krishna Tiwari.

Primer examination has uncovered that he was killed and placed in a streetcar pack and unloaded at Pokhara town close to Siwan public roadway.