It will continue to dry even if it is made out of silicone

The initiative, which sought to promote inter-institutional coordination to consolidate communities as leaders in public policies in the Gran Chaco region, aimed to strengthen the role of women and youth. Throughout the course of recent years, substantial activities were executed in 24 native networks to address difficulties like food frailty and restricted admittance to training. Niyat’s dialogical and comprehensive methodology intended to defeat cultural fracture, empowering powerful joint effort between common society, networks, and the public authority. In this cycle, Slow Food was answerable for planning the venture part pointed toward lessening food frailty for the elaborate families.
Agroecological Practices and Promoting Local Biodiversity Over time, indigenous communities in the Gran Chaco region have come up with a variety of ways to survive based on their extensive knowledge of the area. This information permitted them to saddle the rich assortment of assets presented by the woodlands during various times of the year, including natural products like carob, chañar, molle, tusca, thorny pear, and others. Be that as it may, moderate deforestation prompted the deficiency of food and a reduction in food security for these networks. Additionally, a situation that was unfavorable for family and community food production was caused by factors such as soil aridity, the loss of traditional agricultural knowledge, and drought that was made worse by climate change.

In response to these difficulties, “Proyecto Niyat:” provided training to 2,626 indigenous people. Módulo de Seguridad Alimentaria”, created as a team with neighborhood networks. This manual, composed by agronomists and specialists from the Gran Chaco Establishment and Slow Food, proposed a replicable and versatile model in the Gran Chaco locale. It combined horticultural production, sustainable use of forest fruits, and the breeding of animals adapted to the local environment, all based on agroecological practices.

The 129 food modules made have further developed food creation as well as reinforced agroecological rehearses. The huge expansion in the quantity of families taking on practices, for example, treating the soil, sun assurance, turn, and affiliation has exhibited the fruitful reception of reasonable development strategies among makers.

The joining of local plants in the modules, as well as seed conservation, has added to practical biodiversity. Agroforestry and preparing in syntropic farming have improved efficiency and variety, advancing a reasonable methodology.