Khaing Thin Kyi, who showed that she has a soft body that doesn’t match her age (50).

6. Kale Chips While it is possible to make kale chips at home, there are currently so many flavors available in stores that it may not be worth the effort. Because they contain few ingredients and technically count as a serving of leafy greens, kale chips are a great alternative to regular potato chips (though I think that’s a stretch). Rhythm Foods, Solar Raw, and Kaley’s are among the most widely available brands on the market.

7. Deli Roll-Ups Not only are miniature deli meat roll-ups adorable, but they also provide a satisfying meal. You can easily make them ahead of time and flavor them with a squeeze of your favorite mustard or spread. When it comes to deli meats, go for all-natural options that don’t have a lot of sugar or sodium added. Bring a pack of deli meat and eat it on its own if you’re super lazy or short on time.
8. Dried Mango Try something a little sweeter with some dried mango slices if apples and bananas just aren’t your thing. Despite being all-natural, this is one of my favorite sweet travel snacks because it feels like a real treat. Look for versions with no added sugar or oil and just one ingredient (mango). Surprisingly, this is available from well-known coffee shop chains in many airports.

9. Hard-Boiled Eggs When I travel early in the morning, one of my favorite healthy snacks is hard-boiled eggs. Not exclusively are they staggeringly simple to plan, yet they are cheap and have an extraordinary equilibrium between protein and fat making them extraordinarily filling. They can be made the night before or the morning before you leave, and you can peel them before or during your trip. You need not be concerned about the airplane smelling bad; all you need to do is make sure you don’t overcook the eggs and learn how to always boil them perfectly.
10. Cheese isn’t the same for everyone—I’m not talking about Kraft single or string cheese here—but if you choose the right kind, it can be a great snack that’s high in fat and protein. If at all possible, look for organic cheese and one with few added ingredients when selecting a cheese. You can cut a few slices from a larger brick at home or purchase individual slices before you leave.

11. Yogurt: If you can handle dairy, yogurt is a great healthy option for a snack on the go because it is full of protein and healthy fats that keep you full for longer. As much as possible, go with plain, full-fat varieties and flavor them yourself with fruit. If you pack your yogurt at home, just make sure the container is less than 100 milliliters. That way, frozen berries, nuts, seeds, shredded coconut, and natural sweeteners like maple syrup or honey can add a lot of flavor.
12. Popcorn Despite the fact that there are a wide variety of brands of popcorn available at grocery stores and convenience stores, many of them lack flavor and sodium. Popcorn is an excellent snack that can be prepared at home and packaged into a savory dish. Simply cook it in butter or coconut oil on the stovetop, then season it to your liking with sea salt, nutritional yeast, paprika, or cinnamon.