Than Than Soe, the actress who said that girls are hot before the age of aunties

It is said: It makes sense that Queen Elizabeth, King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Sofia, George W. Bush, Willy Brant, Margaret Thatcher, Sandro Pertini, Alberto Moravia, and Gina were hosted here because no one else was in Skadarlija. Lolobrigida, Bert Lankester, Tina Turner… They, not figuring out the language, and perhaps the traditions, happily acknowledged all that was occurring around them. Nearly every location on this street has a unique history with numerous human destinies intertwined.

Assuming that Paris is the capital of the world, Montmartre is the capital of Paris; assuming that Belgrade is the intersection of the world’s streets, Skadarlija is his spirit. Skadarlija is a bohemian district in the heart of Belgrade. Every day, 20,000 people go there.

Skadarlija, which initially resembled Belgrade’s other streets, was reconstructed to meet the needs of tourism at the turn of the 20th century. Today, it is one of the required spots visited by unfamiliar sightseers. There are well known bistros:

Three caps, Two deer, Brilliant container, Two white pigeons, Velika Skadarlija, Ima dana… Skadarlija is likewise where you come to eat and have a good time after the wedding. Obviously, all nearby rarities are on the menu of the referenced bistros, and the unbelievable tamburitza players are inescapable, which surely carry the environment to a breaking point.

To have a great time in the outdated Serbian manner with a ton of cognac, great food and unrecorded music played by tamburitza players, then you should visit Skadarlija.

It resuscitates the soul of mingling and happy nightlife, as it used to be. The road, under 400 meters in length, figured out how to keep up with its old look with cobbled black-top, pretty much indistinguishable veneer and bars that have remained on similar spot for over 150 years.

There isn’t a lot of contrast between Skadarlija in the 21st hundred years and the previous from quite a while back. Just individuals are unique. In addition, the quantity of guests is developing consistently, taking into account that Skadarlija is an irreplaceable city fascination today.