The same events coincided in the artistic journey of Chhattha Moe Oo and May Thannu

How would we meet the world? Books, the Web, television news and narratives inform us regarding far off nations, individuals and their lifestyle. In any case, a television report presents to you another person’s perspective and might just tight your point of view as opposed to widening your psyche.

Venturing to the far corners of the planet and meeting individuals living in various circumstances and treating life distinctively truly shows you the world. When you really proceed to visit, you might try and challenge your own viewpoint about less known places and societies.

Finding new societies can likewise assist you with seeing the issues and the difficulties of your day to day routine in another manner.

I’ve heard my portion of terrifying stories. A tremendous bull obstructing the restricted mountain way you have taken. A cart man agrees with a particular position road and unexpectedly you end up in a miserable ghetto. You ask local people for bearings and they take you to the local boss who seems to be the hoodlums in motion pictures. Furthermore, what is truly terrifying is that you are separated from everyone else in an obscure spot. You can’t depend on companions and family members, or even on your language abilities.

For this reason how venturing out drives you to be clever and shows you how to adapt to impediments. Conquering different difficulties transforms the unnerving story into and experience and lifts your certainty. You even feel improved ready for the difficulties hanging tight for you back home.