Puerto Rico is a domain inside the US. In particular, it is one of five possessed domains inside the country, with the other four being American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Puerto Rico assigns itself as a Federation that works inside the US. This term comes from the Constitution of Puerto Rico, took on in 1952, which sets out the fundamental administering structure and relationship with the US.

This domain status implies Puerto Rico isn’t a state. It doesn’t have casting a ballot portrayal in the national government and isn’t qualified for the sacred securities that statehood awards. Puerto Rican occupants are not expected to make good on government burdens but at the same time are not qualified for the vast majority bureaucratic advantages. Subsequently, government organization has more extensive command over the island and its administering structure than it would over a state.

This isn’t to imply that that Puerto Rican occupants have no advantages of US citizenship. Puerto Ricans can go back and forth from some other US area with no international IDs. They are likewise conceded a restricted arrangement of Sacred securities.