Puerto Rico’s set of experiences as a region inside the more extensive US owes to its muddled history.

Initially, the Spanish Domain controlled the island. Nonetheless, Spain surrendered control of Puerto to the US in the Deal of Paris, which closed the Spanish-American conflict. Subsequently, Puerto Rico has been under American control starting around 1898.

The island’s time under US control hasn’t forever been tranquil and has been set apart by endeavors to transform Puerto Rico into a sovereign country or full statehood. In 1950, fear mongers who needed to see the island become its own autonomous state endeavored to kill President Truman, albeit the assault fizzled.

Policymakers, taking everything into account, accept Puerto Rico has three choices for its proceeded with administration. They include:

Request the US to transform Puerto Rico into a full state with the limitations in that.
Continuation of its Republic/Region status, possibly with slight changes to the continuous relationship.
Cut off overseeing relationship with the US and transform the country into an autonomous republic.

Beginning around 1967, Puerto Rico has had six mandates on its administering status. These mandates were never intended to tie. All things being equal, they were intended to illuminate the populace and policymakers about how to oversee the island. The aftereffects of these decisions have been exceptionally divergent: