Yadana Mai said to those who criticize that she has no intention of becoming a woman


Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen, 5.1%, Germany A notable smoked brew (from the site): ” Bamberg’s strength, a dull, base matured smokebeer, fermented with Unique Schlenkerla Smokemalt from the Schlenkerla maltings and tapped by old custom straightforwardly from the gravity-took care of oakwood barrel in the verifiable bottling works bar.” Great delicacy on the button, a new fragrance suggestive of peat-smoked salmon, then malty pleasantness on the sense of taste alongside lovely strong flavorful smokiness. Intriguing and delightful, totally of its district. 18
Enthusiastically Suggested


Pilsner Urquell Czech, 4.4% Decent hot, hoppy nose, somewhat sudsy, made with low-harshness Saaz bounces, not conspicuous however exceptionally exemplary meeting lager. 17

Longboard Island Ale Hawaii 4.6%, USA Full and flower nose, even perfumed, sweet sense of taste with great sharp causticity and pleasant body. New completion. 17

Paolozzi, Edinburgh Brew Plant, Helles ale 5.2 %, Scotland
Nutty nose with traces of caramel and topnote of straw. Tight sense of taste, predictable all through prompting a fine dry completion. Achieved, not conspicuous yet loaded with relaxed interest. 17

Wheat lager

Schneider Weisse Tap 7, 5.4%, Germany Bananas and cloves on the button, then, at that point, more cloves on the sense of taste. Lip-smackingly new sense of taste with a decent unpleasant completion, a complicated, finish of-the-night lager. Held up very well with Mr Trotter’s Triple Cooked Pork Scratchings. 17

Hoegaarden, 4.9%, Belgium The pervasive behemoth of the last part of the 90s. Definitely more rich than I recollect – fine citrus/strawberry nose. The sense of taste has intriguing zest and fine corrosiveness, and the completion is dry. 17

Pale Beer

Fuller’s, Oliver’s Island, 4.5%, Britain Brilliant and extraordinary on the button, and similarly so on the sense of taste, with a sweet, new, mown-grass vibe and lifted finish. A truly beguiling summer beer. Ponsonby: ” Neither an adolescent nor a grandee”. 17.5

St Austell, Recognition, 4.2%, Cornwall, Britain Fine sensitive mouthfeel with smooth butterscotch, the mid-sense of taste marginally boring from the beginning yet it gets to convey a wonderful unpleasant completion. Maris Otter, Cornish Gold and Fuggles. 17


Mr Trotter’s Chestnut beer 4%, Britain, Fountain and Bramling jumps
Rupert Ponsonby makes this alongside Sovereign Charles’ stepson Tom Parker Bowles, and food essayist Matthew Post. It’s really fermented with chestnuts from the Ardeche. Fiery, harsh, dim and agonizing however raised by lifted honey notes and an excited unpleasant completion. Obviously this goes very well with Mr Trotter’s Extraordinary English Pork Cracklings. 17.5

Fullers ESB 5.9%, London, Britain Splendid, new and sweet and a bubble that makes your tongue shiver. Loaded with life – a lager that puts a grin all over. Awesome length. 17.5