She also showed a video about her grand wedding

19. Strawberry Vanilla Bean Raw Vegan Cheesecake This no-bake cheesecake must be a part of your life, even if you aren’t vegan or don’t eat dairy. The coconut milk and cashew mix is shockingly great at copying the consistency of standard cheesecake while giving substantially more fiber. Your taste buds and your stomach will be more than fulfilled.
20. Dim Chocolate Chia Pudding

Chia pudding is generally enclosed to the morning meal classification, yet a portion of some cocoa powder and two cups of coconut milk loan a treat proper demeanor of guilty pleasure (yet in addition, additional cell reinforcements!) to this one. Chocoholics, go crazy.
21. No-Stir Vegetarian Mango Frozen yogurt

This blogger has the virtuoso thought of freezing coconut milk and mango puree in biscuit tins for programmed segment control. At the point when a frozen yogurt hankering hits, simply drop a couple of biscuit tins’ worth into a food processor (no frozen yogurt machine required) and mix until the blend is essentially as smooth or thick as you like.
22. Make-Ahead Dairy-Free Rice Pudding This rice pudding is as cozy as it gets. It’s spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, kissed with honey, and infused with vanilla. Coconut milk carries out twofold responsibility here as a thickening specialist and flavor supporter.
23. Chocolate Pistachio Mousse

Shortly, change three fixings into one light and chocolaty mousse. Finished off with slashed pistachios for a crunchy contrast, this one’s sufficiently simple to make as an extemporaneous sweet however noteworthy enough to serve to companions.
24. Stew Chocolate Truffles
Date balls can be a phenomenal solid substitute for truffles, however now and then you simply need genuine chocolate. These fudgy pieces utilize a cup of the dull assortment alongside a bit of bean stew powder for a definitive soften in-your-mouth nibbles.